Friday, May 03, 2013
I'm retiring the site
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Annual Banquet
Annual Banquet
Friday, November 4th, 2011
Knox Presbyterian Church
Rick Kiriluk
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Notes from Al Sharpe
Above link will have some information on it.
There is now a Canadian site where you can download instructions on the brd count. This site also has a bird check list that ou can customize to your area. There are included instructions for uploading your sightings. All very neatly packaged.
Elgin Hiking Tril group is having a walk at 10 am at the southwld Earthworks on this Saturday, February 12th. Marg Hulls will be the leader. Directions: take Fingal Rd past Fingal to Iona Rd turn right, earthworks are just arond the corner.
The Feb 14th meeting of Otter Valley Naturalists presentation will be on a Brief Walk Through the Everglades with Joe Stephenson presenting some photos of his recent trip to Florida.
Also don't forget the owl prowl on Feb 16 at 7 pm at the Archie Coulter Conservation Area.
Tom Hayman had a nice article in the London Free Press on West Elgin Christmas Bird Count. Amazing number of owls reported.
Thankfully the ground hog saw his shadow only 4 more weeks of winter. ;-)
Take care
Al Sharpe
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Elgin Heritage Trees Web Site
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Report from Diane Dobson
Yo Diane: So glad you are checking!!!! I'm out to lunch. Spent most of the day today, checking out the reports of interesting birds for our CBC which took place on Sunday. (I think we will round out at 83 or 84 species. Can't believe it but it is all those celebrity birds who want to be a part of the Port Burwell-Vienna count) Wishing and hoping that for the St.Thomas count as well) The highlight of the day was observing an immature Golden Eagle, at Richmond, at the broiler farm. There were 17 Red-tailed hawks, and the one Golden Eagle. What a treat as I watched him/her soar in the clear blue sky.
As an alert to the counters in St.Thomas perhaps our results could serve as a watch "to be on the look out for" those species moving south along the shoreline.
We had two Brown Thrashers, 2 Mockingbirds, 5 Eastern Towhees, Red-Shouldered Hawks are also about. Tell the observers to look out for hermit thrush, we missed Woodcock (observed the day before the count), Turkeys were really high, . . . who knows what we will see . . . What an adventure. Ron
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Annual Banquet
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Merlin Nest in St.Thomas
Don Fowler says he thinks that's a first for St.Thomas.
Dave Martin adds: It's the first known Merlin nest in Elgin County making it the farthest south nest in Canada. London has had a breeding pair for two years now making that pair Middlesex's first known breeding pair. They are moving south quickly but even at the end of the latest Breedng Bird Atlas there were only 4 records in the Carolian Zone. By the next atlas they'll be everywhere.
Dave Martin.
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Wednesday Evening Spring Walks - 2010
April 14
Aylmer Wildlife Management Area. Eighteen walkers participated in this walk when the following birds were sighted; American coot, pie billed grebe, geese, mallards, ducks, song sparrow, blue heron, 1 tundra swan, green winged teal and American widgeon.
April 2
Twenty walkers were on hand at the Yarmouth Natural Heritage Area to see 1 bald eagle and many spring flowers, which were early, including bloodroot, yellow and white dog toothed violets, marsh marigold, early meadow rue, bluebells and trillium.
April 28
Home of Shirley Griffith. Eighteen walkers were present. Very few birds were sighted, including swallow, house wren, bluebird and cowbird. Nice walk around the pond and through the pine tree planting.
May 5
Rained out.
Next Walks -
May 12 - Corner's Corner.
May 19 - Hawk Cliff then to Port Stanley for Wimbrels.
May 26 - Pat and Bruce McLeans for walk and wiener roast. Hot dogs and condiments provided. Bring lawn chair, any goodies and beverage.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Bird Sighting Reports to April 9, 2010
Gary and Gillian Crowther sighted a Sandhill Crane near Port Stanley on April 7th.
During the Duck Rally several duck species were reported. Al Hurst saw Gadwills, Canvas Backs, Hooded Mergansers, American Widigeon and a Snow Goose in the last few weeks.
To us birders, the spring is like an amazing treasure hunt of the birds arriving back from their winter havens.
Happy Birding, Diane.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Signs of Spring
On Sunday March 14 we saw bufflehead and ring-necked ducks at lagoon #4 at the viewing stands at Port Stanley.
Marg Hulls and Joanne Burditt.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Bird Count 2009
The St.Thomas Field Naturalist Christmas Bird Count, which occured on December 26th, was an unusual one.
The weather, which is always a factor, was really good for the birders. Most thought this would result in great birding. The air was clear and often sunny, the roads were excellent; however, the birds were just not active.
No one really knows how the birding will go, and this year the number of species was down with an unofficial total of 67 on the day of the count. The total number of birds was relatively good at 23,616, but 4,274 were Canada Geese, 3,559 were European Starlings, and over 6,500 were gulls. Most birders called it a slow day because of the low number of species.
Here is a comparison of species and numbers of birds back to 2006.
2006 Birds 29,081 Species 90;
2007 Birds 17,327 Species 77;
2008 Birds 23,695 Species 80.
Participants can report new species up to December 29, so the count may change before it is over. Hopefully a few more species will be added by then.
The birders met at Knox Presbyterian Church for a pot luck dinner and to collect the information. The meal was delicious as usual.
Attached is a photo of John Harbaruk searching for birds on the December 26th count day.
We had two more species added to our Christmas Bird Count! Al Hurst saw a Fox Sparrow at his feeder and Irene Bouris identified a Chipping Sparrow! We are up to 70 species now.
Best regards, Diane Dobson, compiler.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Bird Report, April 27, 2009
Keep those reports coming! Diane Dobson
For some excellent photos of the Brown Thrusher click on
For photos of the Louisians Heron click on
Friday, April 24, 2009
Bird Sightings
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ruby-crowned Kinglet, taken April 18, 2009.

Bird Sightings Report. Ron Kingswood has sent in reports of Hermit Thrush, American Egret, Barn Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow, Pine Warbler, Purple Martins, Chipping Sparrow, Tree Swallow and Cormorants in the last week, along with the pretty little Ruby Crowned Kinglet shown here.
Happy Birding Everyone, Diane